In Loving Memory


May God bless this wonderful animal and help it have a graceful life in heaven.

Add Pet Memorial

This Pet Memorial is designed to create a virtual community of family and friends for your pal. You can include all of the important information about the life of your pet along with photos and memories. All FREE! Enter the information below and press submit. That's all there is to it. You will receive an automatic email that contains the location of your memorial along with important information for safe-keeping. Be sure to add "youns.com" to your email's safe list in order to receive this email.

General Contact Information

* Required fields
The contact information you list here will not be displayed in the contact section of your memorial. Only your email address may be displayed to allow visitors to see where e-cards or condolences should be directed.
First Name* Last Name*
Address City
State Country
Zipcode Phone
Email* Password*
Your email address and password are used to make updates to your site. You should use an easily remembered password (something other than your pet's name). The password is case-sensitive. Your email address will serve as your ID when entering the Memorial Login.

Pet Information

Pet Name* Type of Pet*
Birth Date*   Death Date*  
Be sure you enter the date in format MM/DD/YYYY as in 01/15/1999 for Jan 15, 1999. Click on the Calendar Icons to select the Dates.

Memorial Information

Tribute Password*    
The tribute password can be given to friends and family in order for them to be able to leave memories of your pet as a Tribute. All other's can only sign the Guestbook.
Memorial Photo*    
This is your main memorial photo of your pet. The photo must be no larger then 300KB, and in JPEG (.jpg) format. If your photo is not correct and is larger then 300KB it will display as a broken image. Please verify your photo's size prior to uploading. If no photo is provided, a default picture will be shown based on the Pet Type. Additional photos can be added to the Photo Album from the Memorial Login.
The Verse is typically a short phrase that is traditionally displayed on a headstone. Your Verse can be up to 200 characters in length.
Enter your memorial text. You can use as much space as needed. You may wish to prepare text and polish it up before entering it here. You can also use some HTML coding if you wish. See the FAQs for more information.
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